Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Christmas Morning

A few pictures from Christmas morning... All Carter wanted was Wall-E toys, and Santa delivered!! The first day back to school after break, he walked in with his Wall-E crocs and new Wall-E shirt on, a Wall-E backpack, Wall-E lunchbox, Wall-E blanket, Wall-E pillow, and Wall-E stuffed animal for rest time!!! Ethan got some stuffed animals, a Spongebob rocket lego set, and Mario Super Smash Bros. for the Wii. Santa hid the Wii and he opened his game before he found the Wii (which was a family gift). He was really confused that Santa gave him a game for the Wii, but no Wii. He was very relieved when he found it behind the tree!!!

Ethan got a Crossbow from Daddy

Lost in a sea of Wall-E!!

Checking out the stocking stuffers

Mario Super Smash Bros.

The Wii!!!


Denver said...

I can't believe the smile on Ethan's face on some of the pictures. Cartie on the other hand looks like he has a hangover checking out his stocking.

The Rogerson's said...

Agreed Pap-Pap. Cartie had a rough Christmas eve. I told him not to resort to Coors but he just wouldnt listen. Ooee, please help your poor child. Please.


Official Alcohol Issues Therapist