Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Easter 2009

A couple weeks before Easter, we went to an Easter egg hunt at Carter's preschool. The Easter Bunny was there, and my boys were all geared up to find some eggs. There were two different areas to hunt for eggs. One was for preschoolers and the other was for K-3rd grade. And there was a golden egg in each area!!! I went with Carter and Donnie went with Ethan. Carter just couldn't believe how many eggs there were and how easy it was to find them. He couldn't have cared less about finding the golden egg. Ethan, on the other hand, was a completely different story from what Donnie said! After about 5 minutes of searching, I saw him running over to our area holding something with the biggest grin on his face. He found the golden egg!!! The only bad part about this was that he had to hand it in to receive his prize. I think he would've just rather kept the golden egg as his prize!

Ethan and Carter with their friend Bryce


A couple days before Easter, Carter and Ethan were having a conversation about why they were so excited. Ethan said he loved Easter because of the Easter Bunny. Carter then reminded him that Easter was about God. He told him that the Easter Bunny only gives us candy, but God gives us life. (pronounced wife) I couldn't believe my little 4 year old's thought process!!

The day before Easter I remember Ethan asking me what the Easter Bunny drinks. This was probably his 200th question about the Easter Bunny that day, so without really giving it any thought, I told him I didn't know, probably water. That night after they were both in bed and Donnie and I were hiding eggs, I looked down at the end table in our family room, and there was a glass of water and a note that Ethan wrote to the Easter Bunny. It said, "estr buney fak yow for bein my frend. I luv yow. Ethan Davis"

They were almost as excited Easter morning as they were Christmas morning. I don't remember ever getting that excited about Easter. They loved going through their goodies and searching for eggs. We then went to church and just spent the rest of the day at home. We did color eggs on Saturday, but I forgot to take pictures.

Carter and his favorite thing from the Easter Bunny--a Webkinz kitty he name Cutie Pie

Ethan couldn't decide what was his favorite, so he wanted me to take a picture of him with everything!

What was the Easter Bunny thinking?

On the walls, you can see a couple of the many decorations Ethan made for Easter. If you click on the picture, it will get larger and you can see that the one behind him is Jesus on the cross.

We couldn't get Carter to stop eating jellybeans long enough to find more eggs

Ready for church

My Country Tis of Thee

Ethan has been learning patriotic songs in school. He wanted to sing this one for me, but he hasn't mastered all the words yet!!! Then of course Carter had to sing a song too, but he got cut off at the end b/c my battery died. He sang "I love my Ethan, Ethan's so precious." And then they both hugged.

Catch Up Blog, Part 2

OK, it has been one month exactly since my last blog. I did that one on a Saturday night, and I promised myself I would sit down the next night and finish it up. Obviously that didn't happen. I am really going to try to blog more freqently.
Back in February, we got quite a snowstorm esp. for Memphis. I think we got between 6-8 inches. So that would make two for this winter. Impressive!! The boys had a great time out in it again, and luckily for me it fell on the weekend, so daddy got to go out with them. I lucked out both times!!! They had a blast b/c there was a lot more snow than the first storm. They really wanted to build a snowman, but for some reason Donnie told them it wasn't good packing snow. So imagine the amount of questions I got on the way to school Monday when every other house had an awesome snowman. Everyone I talked to said it was great packing snow!!! Oh well, I guess since I didn't go out and try, I can't get too down on Donnie.

The most pathetic snowman EVER!!!

Ethan was learning about Dr. Seuss in school and came home and asked for 3 pieces of white paper, and this is what he came up with!

Back in February we went to the circus. It was OK, but the boys got a little bored after about an hour into it. I'm also glad to realize that they both share my fear of clowns, but here's a picture of us all facing our fear together!!