Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Carter is FOUR!!

Carter turned four on Jan. 26. He is so proud to be 4 and whenever he does something good, he says it's because he's 4. We celebrated his birthday with a bowling party. He had such a fun time and even got an actual bowling pin as a souvenir with all his friends' signatures on it. Of course he had a Wall-E cake, but the bowling alley provided all the paper products and he went with Spongebob. He practiced for his party weeks in advance by bowling on the Wii! I cannot believe my baby is 4!! Happy birthday, Carter! We are so proud of you and love you very much!!


The Rogerson's said...

In the first picture i guarantee carter is taking a dump. Also, I was there when you planned for the bowling party Loooori. Thaaaats Riiiight!

Regina said...

Happy belated birthday to Carter! Great pic of you three!