Tuesday, February 3, 2009

101st Day of School

For Ethan's 100th day of school, I got to go into his class and help with some really cute activities to help celebrate the day. Then the next day the kids were asked to dress as dalmations to help celebrate the 101st day of school. My sister made him his cute little dalmation outfit to wear to school. He was a little reluctant b/c he didn't want to be embarassed, but as soon as his teacher saw him, she told him how cute she thought he looked and I think he started to feel better. He was the most decked out in his class and had a really fun day (especially watching the movie!)

1 comment:

The Rogerson's said...

Guess what i was also there for? Oh yeah the making of the costume. And when Loser...i mean lori refers to her sister she means the maid we hired.