Next up was Pizza and Pop for lunch followed by Puppy dog cakes and jello jigglers cut out in the shape of Ps for dessert. After lunch they each Painted magnets, and then we played some games for Prizes. There was Pin the tail on the Pig, hot Potato, and Parachute man races. Some of the prizes were Pokemon cards, Plane launchers, Puzzles, and Push Pops. After this came the Pinata!!
We ended by having Popsicles, Punch, and Pretzels. On the 10 minute ride home, Carter was Pooped and fell asleep which he hardly ever does anymore. In a word, the day was...Perfect!
Painting magnets
Pirate Pinata
Party Poppers
Playing Hot Potato
Pinning the tail on the Pig (my friend Bonnie drew the pig, but I don't think I could've done much better!) However, Ethan walked by and said to Bonnie, "Wow, you're a good artist!" Poor boy has me for a mom and has learned to not expect much when it comes to artistic talent! Thankfully he is easily impressed and is usually happy with whatever I come up with!
Carter dropping his Parachute man
I think WE already knew you suck at drawing. I only wish your clidren did as well.
Oh by the way that last comment was by me of course HUNTER THE GREAT!!!!
I had a "P" party once. I won't go into the details.
I guess everyone would like to have a P party. It looks like it was a lot of fun.
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